2024 Fishing Stats
Total Days Fishing = 64 days
Total Hours Fished = 234.75 hours
Average Length of Time on Water per Outing= 3.67hrs
Total Fish Caught = 1,080
Average Fish Per Outing = 16.87
Fish Per Hours = 4.6
Minutes per Fish = 13.04
Biggest Bass = Two 20" plus Smallies on back to back casts on Bluestone in March on KVD 1.5 Sexy Shad.
Biggest Fish = Claytor Striper
Most Memorable Fish = Brad's Smith Mountain Striper
Highlights = Catching > 100 bass on Greenbrier in May, Smith Mountain Trip, Cranberry River Retreat trip, catching > 100 in 4.25 hours on New River in September, Bluestone Striper, flood that lasted all of October from hurricane run off.
Fish Catch Total Since 1/2008 = 11,623
Goals for 2025
1. Catch 1,100 fish
2. Catch 5 bass over 20”
3. Do some fly fishing
4. Fish some remote places
5. Fish some sections of The New I have yet to see
6. Take a coupe trips up to Northern part of state to fish